12 Included Meals

7 breakfasts
1 lunch
4 dinners

Specialty meals

Croatian Suckling Pig lunch

Exclusive Experiences

2 nights Upgrade to Superior Sea View rooms in Neum hotel
Plitvice Lakes National Park
Pletna boat ride to Bled Island in Lake Bled



Roosevelt Square
Ban Jelacic Square
Zagreb Cathedral
Croatian Parliament
St Mark’s Church
Kamenita Vrata
Lotrscak Tower


Diocletian’s Palace
Temple of Jupiter
Cathedral of St Domnius


Rector’s Palace
Clock Tower
St Blaise Church
Onofrio Fountain
Orlando’s Column
Sponza Palace
City Walls
Franciscan Monastery


Cathedral of St Lawrence
Old Town



Church of St Nicholas
Market Colonnade
Triple Bridge
Dragon Bridge
Preseren Square

Day 1

Troop down to Singapore Changi Airport for your flight to Zagreb, the capital of Croatia.

Meals On Board / Dinner

Day 3

Today, get ready for a change of scene as you approach Plitvice Lakes National Park, one of Europe’s most impressive national parks with a designated UNESCO World Heritage status since 1979. Hold your breath as you walk towards the 70-metre-tall Veliki Slap, the largest waterfall in the park. The beauty of the park lies in its 16 crystalline lakes, interconnected by a series of cascades, and set in deep woodland populated by deers, bears, wolves, boars and rare bird species. Tonight, enjoy a relaxing stay in the pretty coastal city of Zadar.

Breakfast / Croatian Suckling Pig Lunch / Dinner

Day 4

This morning, drive through the Croatian countryside to Split, the 2nd-largest city in Croatia. Soak up the exuberance of the Dalmatian city of Split as you embark on a city tour through its most important sights. Relive the days of the past as you come face-to-face with Diocletian’s Palace, Temple of Jupiter and Cathedral of St Domnius. With the dramatic coastline and turquoise waters of the Adriatic surrounding remnants of Roman, Renaissance and Gothic buildings, this charming city is a sight to behold. Thereafter, travel to Neum for your overnight stay.

Breakfast / Dinner

Day 5

Today, be in awe as you set eyes on Dubrovnik with its orange-hued roofs, ancient city walls, marble streets and Baroque buildings. Designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the city’s landmarks such as Rector’s Palace, Clock Tower, St Blaise Church, Onofrio Fountain, Orlando’s Column, Sponza Palace and City Walls will not fail to impress. After, see Franciscan Monastery up close, which also houses Europe’s 3rd-oldest pharmacy. You may wish to join an optional cruise to sail along the Adriatic Sea, or take a ride up to Mount Srdj for breathtaking views of the Old City at your own expense.


Day 6

This morning, continue to Trogir, a UNESCO World Heritage Site which is renowned for its Romanesque churches which are complemented by the Renaissance and Baroque buildings and fortifications. The main attraction of the city is Cathedral of St Lawrence, a beautiful and large cathedral with beautiful stone details. The old town is full of palaces, churches, and towers for you to discover.

Breakfast / Dinner

Day 7

Today, tour Slovenia’s most famous lake, Lake Bled. Marvel at the stunning crystal blue-green lake, immerse in its idyllic surroundings and fresh clear air, take a moment to ponder and understand why it is described by many as a paradise on Earth. Delve deeper into the region’s beauty with a traditional pletna boat ride to Bled Island, a picturesque islet crowned by the exquisite Church of the Assumption. Visit the church, climb up the stairs to the top and to ring the church bell for your wishes to come true. Thereafter, do not miss an opportunity to join an optional tour to Postojna Cave, a natural wonder of Slovenia, at your own expense.


Day 8

Make your way to Ljubljana, the capital and largest city of Slovenia. Ljubljana boasts a balanced mix of old and new, with centuries-old buildings surrounding a medieval heart beating in tandem with an increasingly modern outlook and a vivacious entertainment and cultural scene. Upon arrival, get acquainted with the city’s ancient charms with a tour through the heart of its old town. You will visit baroque-style architecture of Church of St Nicholas with its impressive twin bell towers and towering dome. Next, proceed to Market Colonnade and stroll through dozens of charming little shops selling a wide variety of souvenirs and local produce such as apples and honey. The market also curves along the east bank of the river Ljubljanica, between Triple Bridge and Dragon Bridge, offering plenty of visual treats as well. Cross Triple Bridge to the city’s main meeting point, Preseren Square, named after the greatest Slovene poet, France Preseren. Continue on your journey to Zagreb.


Day 9

If time permits, of course there is always last-minute shopping before bidding farewell to Zagreb as you transfer to the airport for your flight home.

Meals On Board / Breakfast

Day 10


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Day 1新加坡 – 萨格勒布


在新加坡樟宜机场集合,搭乘航班前往克罗地亚的首都 - 萨格勒布。

飞机餐 / 晚餐

Day 3布里特威斯 - 扎达尔


早餐后,前往自1979年以来便被列为列入世界遗产的布里特威斯国家公园。该公园也是欧洲最令人印象深刻的国家公园。您将能在此景点观赏到湖区公园内最壮观的70米高大瀑布Veliki Slap(即“大瀑布”)。公园的魅力之处非其湖泊莫属。由于主要有16个湖泊,故公园又叫十六湖国家公园。各湖泊由一条水路相连,并且位于深山林地,为此经常有鹿、熊、狼,野猪和稀有的鸟类出没于此。今晚,在美丽的海滨城市扎达尔享受悠闲时光。

早餐 / 克罗地亚乳猪午餐 / 晚餐

Day 4扎达尔 – 斯普利特 – 新乌姆


第4天 扎达尔 – 斯普利特 – 新乌姆(早餐/晚餐) 今早,随我们一起乘车穿越克罗地亚的乡村地区前往克罗地亚第二大的城市 - 斯普利特。您将能在斯普利特的达尔马提亚城市的城市游览中观赏到多个重大景点,如著名的戴克里先宫、邱朱庇特庙,以及圣多努米斯教堂,并且重温这座城市过往的风光。此外,您也能在此观赏到这座城市的其余迷人之处,如被亚得里亚海美丽海岸线和蔚蓝海水包围的罗马、文艺复兴时期和哥特式建筑残迹。随后,前往新乌姆夜宿。

早餐 / 晚餐

Day 5新乌姆 - 杜布罗夫尼克 - 新乌姆


早餐后,您将能看到杜布罗夫尼克独有的橙色屋顶、古城墙、大理石街道和许多巴洛克风格的建筑物。该市被列为世界遗产,拥有众多极具代表性的地标,如校长宫、钟楼、圣布莱斯教堂、奥诺佛喷泉、奥兰多石柱,以及斯蓬扎宫,必定能让您对这座城市留下深刻的印象。此行的焦点莫过于使用您持有的城墙入门票探索附有堡垒、塔楼及独立堡垒的古堡!随后,不妨前往方济各修道院,并且近距离观赏修道院以及挥发您的想象力想像自己住在中世纪的场景!该处也是欧洲第三大古老药房的所在地。您可以悠闲地享受接下来的剩余时间,并且乘此空档探索老城区或游览集市。除此之外,您也可以选择自费参加乘船游览活动或登上Srd 山顶观赏杜布罗夫尼克迷人的风景。


Day 6新乌姆 – 特罗吉尔


第6天 新乌姆 – 特罗吉尔(早餐/晚餐) 今早,继续前往特罗吉尔,这是联合国教科文组织世界遗产。它以其罗马式教堂以及文艺复兴和巴洛克式建筑和防御工事而闻名。这座城市的主要景点是圣劳伦斯大教堂,这是一座美丽而大型的大教堂,拥有美丽的石头细节。这里的老城区遍布的宫殿、教堂和塔楼等您探索。

早餐 / 晚餐

Day 7特罗吉尔– 布莱德湖


今天,启程前往游览斯洛维尼亚最有名的湖泊-布雷德湖。您将可以在这里欣赏到水晶般迷人的蓝绿色湖水,沉浸在田园诗般的环境以及呼吸到新鲜干净的空气,甚至是在欣赏之余抽空思考和参透该湖泊被许多人描述为“地球上的天堂”的奥妙。随后,乘坐传统的渡船前往布雷德岛进一步探索本区域的美景。该岛以圣母教堂作为其标志而闻名。您可以参观教堂,并且爬楼梯到教堂顶端敲响教堂的钟,祈祷愿望能够实现。此外,您可以自费参与这里提供的斯洛维尼亚自然奇观 -“波斯托伊纳洞”游览活动。


Day 8布莱德湖 - 卢布尔雅那 - 萨格勒布




Day 9萨格勒布 – 新加坡



飞机餐 / 早餐

Day 10抵达新加坡



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