- 5 breakfasts 5 份早餐
- 4 lunches 4 份午餐
- 4 dinners 4 份晚餐
- Visit Shymbulak a mountain resort 琼布拉克滑雪场
- Kok-Tobe hill 科克托别山
- Charyn Canyon National Park 恰伦大峡谷国家公园
- Ethno-village 匈奴民族村
- Panfilov Park 菲洛夫28勇士纪念公园
- Zenkov Cathedral 津可夫大教堂
- The Memorial of Glory 津可夫大教堂
- Eternal Flame 阿拉木图永恒之火
- Square of the Republic 独立纪念碑
- Monument of Independence 阿拉木图共和国广场
- Kok-Tobe hill 科克托别山
- Ski resort «Shymbulak» 琼布拉克滑雪场
- Show of hunting birds 猎鹰表演
- Ethno-village 匈奴民族村
- Chocolate Market 拉哈特巧克力工厂
- Green Bazaar 绿色集市
- Charyn Canyon National Park 恰伦大峡谷国家公园
Assemble at KLIA Airport for your flight to Almaty, the largest city in Kazakhstan. Almaty was also the former capital of independent Kazakhstan before it was moved to Astana in 1997. Upon arrival, proceed to the hotel for your night rest.
Meals On Board
Panfilov Park
Zenkov Cathedral
The Square of the Republic
Monument of Independence
Kok-Tobe hill
This morning, Embark on a city tour Panfilov Park, Zenkov Cathedral, the Memorial of Glory and Eternal Flame. Transfer to the Square of the Republic and Monument of Independence, feel the energy of the Apple city and get acquaint with its history! Next, Visiting Kok-Tobe hill with the one of the highest and the most earthquake-resistant TV towers in the world. Short ride from the top of the hill to the center of the city by the famous Almaty cableway.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
Medeo & Shymbulak
Medeo & Shymbulak
Show of hunting birds
Today Excursion to Medeo & Shymbulak visit the world-famous Medeo ice rink at 1,691.2 meters above sea level, explore the picturesque Shymbulak ski resort at 2,260 meters, and experience the unique "Sunkar" bird nursery, known for conserving rare species and releasing 260 Baloban falcons. Thereafter Visiting Show of hunting birds you can admire the most beautiful birds, learn about their biological characteristics, and more than that, see the falcon show (from May to October). The trained birds take parts in that show and demonstrate hunting with a bird, getting food out of the water and other interesting things.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
Charyn Canyon
Charyn Canyon
This morning, head to Charyn Canyon, located on the spurs of the Tian Shan mountains near the border with China. This natural wonder, formed from sedimentary rocks about 12 million years old, extends 154 kilometers along the Charyn River valley. One of the most captivating and popular spots for visitors is the "Valley of Castles".
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
Green Bazaar
Embark on a cultural journey today by visiting the Ethno-village "Huns" and immersing yourself in the traditional lifestyle of the Kazakh people. Experience firsthand the deeply cherished customs and heritage that define Kazakh society, where hospitality is revered as a sacred obligation. Your tour will include engaging activities such as participating in the "Shashu" rite, exploring the intricacies of Kazakh yurts, and enjoying traditional games like "Atpen audyraspak" and "Kyz Kuu." Be captivated by a spectacular horse show known as "Dzhigitovka" and partake in national games such as "Tartu asyk" and "number kures." Indulge in a delectable National Style Lunch before venturing to the Chocolate Market and Green Bazaar, where you can discover a plethora of culinary delights representing Kazakhstan's diverse cultural tapestry.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
After breakfast, you can do some last-minute shopping before you transfer to the airport for your flight home.
Meals On Board / Breakfast
Day 1吉隆坡 – 阿拉木图
Day 2阿拉木图
Panfilov Park
Zenkov Cathedral
The Square of the Republic
Monument of Independence
Kok-Tobe hill
今天,参观28名潘菲洛夫卫士公园,致敬在二战期间在莫斯科外抗击纳粹德国侵略者的阿拉木图步兵部队的28名士兵。接着,游览津可夫大教堂 - 正式名称为升天大教堂,位于哈萨克斯坦阿拉木 图潘菲洛夫公园中心。一座宏伟的木制结构教堂,它完全没有使 用钉子建造,是世界上最高的木结构建筑之一。这座俄罗斯东正 教大教堂展示了令人印象深刻的精湛工艺。随后,我们会瞻仰荣耀纪念馆和永恒之火,向在战争中牺牲的英雄们致敬,感受那段悲壮而光辉的历史。前往共和国广场和独立纪念碑,感受阿拉木图这座“苹果城”的蓬勃活力。随后,我们将登上风景秀丽的科克托比山,可以欣赏到城市如画的景色。这里有游乐园和 各种娱乐项目,如披头士乐队铜像,苹果形状的“欲望”喷泉, 摩天轮,情侣巷和出售民族纪念品的商店
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
Day 3阿拉木图
Medeo & Shymbulak
Medeo & Shymbulak
Show of hunting birds
今天,前往梅杜和新布拉克。参观梅杜溜冰场,这是位于跨伊犁阿拉套山脉的世界上最大的高山溜冰场。它已经打破了120项世界纪录。然后,探索新布拉克滑雪场 (Shymbulak Ski Resort) ,欣赏迷人的风景,并乘坐缆车通往塔尔加山口 (Talgar Pass) 。享受城外的美景和休闲活动。接着,我们将观看猎鸟表演,您可以欣赏最美丽的鸟类,了解它们的生物特性,而且更重要的是,观看猎隼表演(从五月到十月)。受过训练的鸟类将参与表演,展示与鸟类的狩猎、从水中捕食等有趣的技能。
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
Day 4阿拉木图 – 恰伦大峡谷 - 阿拉木图
Charyn Canyon
Charyn Canyon
今早,前往世界第二大峡谷,位于阿拉木图市以东约210公 里的恰伦大峡谷国家公园,目的是为了保护自然和地质物体。该国家公园成立于 2004 年 2 月 23 日。峡谷全长150公里,高度达 300米,由沉积岩建成,年龄约1200万年。从谷顶俯瞰已觉壮丽 无比,惟更难得的是,最瑰丽迷人的一段城堡谷,更可让健行人 士深入其中。自然景观包括罕见的白蜡树林和大量筑巢的鸟类。 你可以尽情在直趋百米下的谷底行走,在峡谷之间陡峭的岩石上 拍照,近距离感受大自然的奥妙。其壮丽的风景,可与闻名世界 的美国科罗拉多大峡谷相媲美
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
Day 5阿拉木图
Green Bazaar
今天,前往匈奴民族村,探索哈萨克游牧民族的古老文化和传统。体验哈萨克游牧民族的 “生活中的一天” ,可以让您一睹匈奴人的日常生 活。匈奴民族文化的主要习俗,仪式和有趣的活动将由身着传统 服饰的当地人向您展示,欢迎您参与。 游览包括以下活动:观看 展示传统习俗的表演;参加专业的马术表演;了解蒙古包;观看 弓箭手表演;参加业余骑马活动;学习如何制作当地工艺品;烹 饪基本的民族菜肴,制作哈萨克蓬松面包,马奶酒等;并品尝一 顿美味正宗的菜肴。然后,游览拉哈特巧克力工厂和绿色集市 - 是美食殿堂, 也是该地区最古老的集市。这个市场提 供各种新鲜农产品,香料,肉类和乳制品等,很受游客的欢迎。 对许多人来说,奶酪和著名的马奶酒是当地的一大亮点。
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
Day 6阿拉木图 – 吉隆坡
飞机餐 / 早餐
Day 7抵达吉隆坡