18 Included Meals
- 6 Breakfasts
- 6 Lunches
- 6 Dinners
- Little Sheep Hotpot 小肥羊火锅
- Khorkhog 烧烤羊肉
- Khuushuur 蒙古饺子
- Mini Naadam 迷你那达慕
- Golden Monastery 甘丹寺
- Traditional Folk Concert 传统民间音乐会
- Stargazing 观星
- Mini-Naadam 迷你那达慕
- Mongolian Archery & Traditional Clothes 蒙古射箭和传统服装:
- Erdenezuu
- The Turtle Rock 龟岩
- Karakorum Museum 喀喇昆仑博物馆
- Khaadiin Khad Hill
- Elsen Tasarkhai
- Inclusive Camel riding over the dunes 骑骆驼穿越沙丘
- National museum of Mongolia 蒙古国家博物馆
- Sukhbaatar Square 苏赫巴托广场
- Traditional Folk Concert 传统民间音乐会
- Gandan Monastery 甘丹寺
- Chinggis Khan Statue Complex 成吉思汗
- Lamb Barbeque "Khorkhog" 羊肉烧烤“Khorkhog”
- Ariyapal meditation temple Ariyapal 冥想寺
- The Rock Turtle 岩龟
- Nomadic Home Visit 游牧民族家访
- Lhamour factory store
- Zaisan Memorial hill Zaisan 纪念山
- Revisions, if any, in itinerary are subject to the Company’s Terms and Conditions.
- In particular, the Customer is requested to note the following:
- Itinerary may be subject to change due to circumstances beyond the Company’s control.
- Accommodation in designated cities is subject to room availability.
- Sequence of itinerary may be subject to change.
- Different tour groups may be merged.
- Proposed changes, if any, that are not accepted will be subject to the refund provisions set out in the Terms and Conditions.
- 行程若更改,需受公司的条款与细则所约束。
- 顾客尤其需注意以下事项:在公司无法控制的情况下,行程可能更改。
- 指定城市的住宿需视客房供应情况而定。行程顺序可能更改。不同团体可能合并成一团。
- 若有更改不被接受,需遵守条款与细则中的退款规定。

Upon arrival our professional team will warmly welcome and transfer to the hotel. Check-in to the hotel and have buet dinner in hotel restaurant.

Mini-Naadam : Naadam Festival consists of the Three Manly Games, namely, wrestling, archery, horse racing which Mongolian nomads have practiced for thousands of years.
Mongolian Archery & Traditional Clothes : try them for a memorable.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner

Erdenezuu: One of the oldest Buddhist Monastery in Mongolia.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner

National museum of Mongolia : The historical collection is subdivided into 3 areas: archaeological; medieval history of Mongolia; and modern historical objects and photography, recordings, and documents.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner

Gandan monastery : The Tibetan name translates to the "Great Place of Complete Joy". It currently has over 150 monks in residence.
Chinggis khan statue complex : The largest equestrian statue of Genghis Khan. Visit the complex museum and enjoy a panoramic view over Mongolian steppe from the statue’s horse mane.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner

Ariyapal meditation temple : Temple is situated about a 30-minute walk on the hills with a phenomenal view of the valley.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner

Lhamour factory store : shopping at Mongolia's rst organic skincare brand.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner

Check out from hotel. Transfer to the international airport for your departure point. Say `Bayartaiy' (goodbye) to the Land of BlueSky and depart to your home country with full of adventure and great memories.
Meals On Board / Breakfast
Day 1吉隆坡 - 乌兰巴托

Day 2蒙古游牧-喀喇昆仑

迷你那达慕: 那达慕节由蒙古游牧民族千百年来盛行的摔跤、射箭、赛马三项运动组成。
Day 3喀喇昆仑 - Elsentasarkhai

Erdenezuu : 蒙古最古老的佛教寺院之一
岩龟 : 当地人崇拜和致敬 Mungut Khad,相信岩层会带来好运
Khaadiin Khad Hill : 在那里您可以欣赏到鄂尔浑河谷的全景。
Elsen Tasarkhai : 也称为迷你戈壁,沙丘从图夫省、乌武尔康盖省和布尔干省一直向西延伸,成为 Khugnu Khan 山脉的一部分。
包含骑骆驼穿越沙丘 : 体验骑乘骆驼。
Day 4喀喇昆仑 - 乌兰巴托市区游

蒙古国家博物馆 : 历史藏品分为三个领域:考古;蒙古的中世纪历史;以及现代历史物品和摄影、录音和文件。
Day 5乌兰巴托 – Terelj国家公园

甘丹寺 : 藏语意为“大乐之地”。现有僧人150余人。
成吉思汗 : 最大的骑马雕像成吉思汗雕像群。参观复杂的博物馆,从雕像的马鬃上欣赏蒙古草原的全景。
Day 6Terelj国家公园 – 游牧民族家访

Ariyapal 冥想寺 : 寺庙位于山上,步行约 30 分钟,可欣赏到山谷的壮丽景色。
Day 7Terelj国家公园 – 乌兰巴托城市之旅

Lhamour factory store:在蒙古第一个有机护肤品牌进行购买。
Zaisan 纪念山:纪念在二战中阵亡的蒙古和苏联盟军士兵。
Galleria 乌兰巴托羊绒特卖场:世界上最大的羊绒商店,出售精美的羊绒服装、 外套、西装和配饰
无论您有什么兴趣,乌兰巴托都能满足您的需求。今天您将悠闲地探索乌兰巴托市 。
Day 8乌兰巴托 - 吉隆坡
